Thursday, August 18, 2016

A reader from Brasil at Amidaji temple

Shinkai and Josho in the Hondo
(Dharma Hall)
of Amidaji
As you can read here, at this link, I have declared Amidaji open for visitors. As most of my readers live outside of Romania, and because Amidaji is an international temple (including Romanians of course, but not limited to them), many expressed their wish to visit and stay for a few days in order to listen to the orthodox Jodo Shinshu teaching  presented here.

So, the first visitor arrived and she came all the way from Brasil! Usually, when I have a visitor, I dedicate myself exclusively to him or her. The visitor does not leave the temple for a few days, and is focused entirely on Dharma activities like teaching, recitation, but also work in the garden and courtyard of the temple. This is some kind of a small retreat, but also retreats of more than 3 days can be arranged for either one person or a group.

Thais Shinkai working in the courtyard of Amidaji.
This time we set fire to some weeds. 
The visitor from Brasil - (Thais Shinkai), attended services and was taught how to recite various hymns, especially Amidakyo, in Amidaji style. She also asked a lot of questions and we engaged in fruitful Dharma talks and discussions. She stayed three days at Amidaji and received accommodation in the library of the temple which was built this summer. Until further accommodation facilities will be built, all visitors receive accommodation in the library. They also have a solar shower and a wooden toilet, so minimum conditions are met. Also, two or three vegetarian meals are provided each day.

enjoying vegetarian meal together
I am looking forward to meet all my Dharma friends at Amidaji. 

Please check this link again for more information related with your possible visit to Amidaji temple.

working on the instalation of a shelter tent 
working on the instalation of a shelter tent 

studying in front of the library

1 comentarii:

Our Beautiful Path said...


Congratulations on having Amida-ji open for visitors, and having your first visitor stay with you. Im sure that Thais had a wonderful time, and learnt a whole lot from you.

Thank you for this great news :)

Namu Amida Butsu,

Gassho, Camille

Dharma talks on my youtube channel